Just a quick note about these wallpapers. I did not make any of these wallpapers. I have accumulated these pictures over the years and have honestly lost track of where I got them from. It would be too much work to go search every wallpaper on Google so instead I'm just giving a list of wallpaper sites at the bottom of the gallery, the ones I frequent the most at least. That way the creators are most likely acknowledged. If you're a wallpaper artist and see your work here but not your site, please let me know.
These wallpapers are mostly 1024x768 in resolution... one or two may be a little larger, but there are no 800x600 wallpapers here. Not many screen resolutions are that small now a days so I decided not to include them. Also, the gallery here doesn't have the Lightbox JS script, so they'll appear in a new window.
Ningen's Anime Wallpapers
Anime Project Alliance
Desktop Zero